What is EmbryoPick?

EmbryoPick is non-invasive PGT-A which is a genetic testing technique used during IVF treatment to analyze the chromosomal composition of fertilized eggs.

This method helps fertility specialists identify the embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, enabling them to select the most viable embryos and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

How is the method non-invasive?

  • A fertilized egg naturally releases cell free DNA (cfDNA) to its growth medium while incubating.
  • After day 5-6, the fertilized egg is typically ready for treatment and is vitrified, and its growth medium is harvested.
  • The fertilized egg is transferred to a new, growth medium to be preserved at the clinic.
  • The medium harvested containing cfDNA is transported to our lab and ready for analysis.

Is EmbryoPick harmful for the embryos?

NO. The procedure is entirely safe for embryos, as it analyzes only the cell-free DNA in the media where the embryo is cultured, without any direct interaction with the embryo. This allows for the genetic screening of embryos for aneuploidies (abnormal numbers of chromosomes) with no risk of damage to the embryos, offering a safer alternative to traditional biopsy methods.

What are the causes of implantation failure

One of the primary causes of implantation failure and spontaneous abortion is an abnormal number of chromosomes (aneuploidy). Aneuploidy is common in human fertilized eggs and becomes increasingly common with age. On average, a woman at the age of 40 will have an aneuploidy incidence rate of more than 50%, and at the age of 44 the incidence rate is almost 80%. Unfortunately, aneuploid eggs are indistinguishable from euploid eggs in both morphology and developmental rate, making them undetectable with conventional morphological analysis. As transfer of aneuploid eggs negatively affects the reproductive outcome, it is desirable to detect aneuploidy by other means during IVF treatment.

EmbryoPick works by analyzing the genetic material of embryos to screen for chromosomal abnormalities without the need for an invasive biopsy. Here’s how it generally works:

  1. Embryo Culturing: During an IVF (in vitro fertilization) cycle, embryos are cultured in a laboratory for several days until they reach the blastocyst stage.

  2. Collection of Culture Medium: Instead of directly sampling the embryos, NIPGTA uses the surrounding culture medium or the fluid in which the embryos are cultured. This medium contains cell-free DNA fragments shed by the embryos.

  3. DNA Analysis: The cell-free DNA in the culture medium is analyzed for chromosomal abnormalities. This includes testing for common aneuploidies such as:

    • Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
    • Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
    • Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
    • Other chromosomal imbalances
  4. Scoring of Healthy Embryos: Based on the results of the genetic analysis, the fertility specialist can then prioritize transferring the embryos that are chromosomally normal, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy and reducing the likelihood of miscarriage.

  5. No Risk to the Embryo: Since NIPGTA is a non-invasive procedure, it doesn't require physically interacting with or biopsying the embryos, which preserves their integrity and reduces the risk of damage.

Overall, EmbryoPick provides a safer, less invasive alternative to traditional preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A) while still offering high accuracy in detecting chromosomal abnormalities.

Who Should Consider EmbryoPick?

EmbryoPick is particularly beneficial for couples undergoing IVF who are concerned about chromosomal abnormalities, such as those with a history of miscarriage, advanced maternal age, or known genetic disorders. It can also be useful for couples who wish to improve their chances of a successful pregnancy by selecting genetically healthy embryos.

According to the 2018 National Summary Report, PGT analysis is most effective for women over the age of 38. However, we recommend EmbryoPick for all individuals undergoing IVF treatment to reduce the number of cycles required for a successful pregnancy by prioritizing chromosomally healthy embryos.

A few words with laboratory colleagues:

EmbryoPick requires minimal handling and training. Any lab technician experienced in embryo culture can confidently perform the procedure. Therefore, sample collection is easy and rapid.

The samples can be sent to our laboratory at room temperature within ten days, without the need for cooling, which helps lower shipping costs.

Reporting the Results:

Reports are generated in accordance with local regulations and legal requirements. For instance, some countries have regulations that prevent us from providing clinics with a complete analysis. In such cases, only embryo scoring will be provided.
